Message to all members


It has come to our attention that some Canada Post Management team leaders (MGT & APOC) are not following the correct process in evaluating APOC members against performance objectives/ action plans in the 2014 Performance Management Plan.

What has occurred is following “team leaders are not verbally informing the member/s of their mid year trending rating results until after June 30th”. 

The language within the collective agreement states the following: 

Appraisal Process – page 159

5. – In the application of the appraisal process, employees experiencing difficulties meeting their objectives (goals) or who are heading in the direction of receiving a “Needs Improvement” rating on their performance appraisal, must be notified in the quarter in which their performance is deemed to be “Needs Improvement” and have a quarterly review completed in writing by the end of the month following that quarter except in the case of the end of the fiscal year, when the employee must be notified of his overall performance rating by February 28th. In the event that a quarterly review is not completed in accordance with this paragraph, the employee’s performance for that relevant quarter shall be deemed “Commendable”.

For all appraised employees, there are two (2) requirements that must be applied by the team leader for members who are trending to did not meet all expectations or did not meet expectations. Members are to be informed in the quarter that the performance gap was identified by their team leader and have the review completed in writing in the appropriate area in the PMP by the end of the following month following the quarter.

Additional information regarding the process can be located at CPC Performance Management Web Site.

This is a quote dated Feb 8th, 2011 APOC bulletin

the best surprise is no surprise. By the time the year-end rating is assigned, you should have received ongoing feedback and input throughout the year that supports the final rating. If however, there is a difference of opinion, you should discuss the issue(s) openly and objectively with your team leader. 

If there still is a concern after the meeting, contact your APOC rep for assistance.

Please remember, this process should be applicable for all four (4) quarters.

Thanks for your attention to this concern.