May 31st, 2010 update
We attended a meeting with the Corporation last week. We had an overview of what will be the future for Superintendents in the Plants and C&D.
Regrettably, CPC will pursue is way and delete many of our Superintendent positions. There will be local meetings with your APOC Representatives to review the Corporation’s new organization.
I cannot show you the entire picture because each Plant will be different. You will see a structure with fewer Superintendents in the major plants; you will have medium Plants with no Superintendents; and a mix of the two in the smaller plants.
C&D will also be touched; you will see many Superintendents in charge of two and three Postal Stations. Some areas will be more affected because some people on the Management side are looking to be heroes in front of the company Head Office 12th floor.
We warned the Corporation that grievances and arbitrations will be enforced as soon as they do not follow the entire collective agreement, not just article 43.54.
We are still meeting with the Corporation to be sure that all your rights will be respected. You will have surpluses in some situations and shortages in some areas.
After deleting many of our positions, they will create around 40 MGT positions to help and coach the Directors, Managers and Superintendents. Now it seems important to mentor our members but we are not sure what is really in the back of their minds, is it to help or to get us? We will need to be vigilant to see where they will go with this one. We believe that these new jobs should be APOC ones. It is on the agenda with our Legal team.
Some of you may look for a promotion and become a Manager. I understand that you are looking for challenges and better pay (not all the time better), however, I need to caution you on what can happen to you. I’m sure that you remember the Managers that were escorted out in the last year and even in the last few weeks.
In the past, non performing Employees were the ones being targeted. Not anymore, only one thing is important now, and this is the $ sign.
At the end of this year, the management team will lose many benefits and this is why a large portion of them will retire, to be able to keep them after retirement.
You can do whatever you want, but don’t forget that you have job protection if you stay with APOC.
Your local APOC Executives will be contacted soon by the Corporation. After the meeting they will be able to let you know what will be the new organization in your region.
The Local Areas and RVU are not part of this process.
Again, no one will lose their job. You are APOC Members not MGT.