50 new Route Measurement Officer (RMO) positions.
The Corporation has started posting the new RMO positions on the Career Network.
As you already know, you need to have the minimum requirements to be able to transfer from an OP1 to another OP1 position.
In this case, you need to be a Supervisor with 2 years experience in collection and delivery/transportation and have a working knowledge of Microsoft Office (what you already use in your regular day to day work). Nothing more than that, No interview and No test.
The Corporation may suggest and offer to you, an opportunity to do a personal “test” (computer software based exercise) in order to expose you to some examples of what will be your future work. This is entirely your decision and option…you can do or not do this. If you do decide to choose to do this, you have the option of either taking this “test” at your residence or at your work installation. This “test” is for you and you alone…when you have finished this exercise…delete it. The intent of this exercise is solely to give you an idea and brief exposure to some of the computer based tasks required of a Route Measurement Officer.