New Personal Days calendar on July 1, 2015

DATE: June 2015
SUBJECT: Canada Post introduces new Personal Days calendar on July 1, 2015

Audience:  All Team Leaders of APOC-represented employees

Canada Post will send all APOC-represented employees an email communiqué today advising them that negotiated changes to Personal Days will take full effect on July 1, 2015.

In the last round of collective bargaining, Canada Post and the Association of Postal Officials of Canada agreed to change the annual period of the “Personal Days year” and allow employees to cash out 7 of 7 Personal Days, rather than 5 of 7.

The communiqué advises APOC-represented employees of the following changes:

The “Personal Days year” for the allocation and payout of Personal Days begins July 1 each year and ends June 30 of the following year.

APOC-represented employees will be eligible to receive a cash payment of 7 of 7 Personal Days, rather than 5 of 7 days.

Other important changes involve dates. Employees who want to carry over and/or receive a payout of their Personal Days have three available options:

  • To be paid out, no action is required. All remaining Personal Days will automatically be paid with the third pay after July 1, 2015, subject to all applicable taxes and deductions.
  • To carry over all eligible unused Personal Days, employees must use the Personal Days Carry-over Tool available on ESS from June 1, 2015 to July 14, 2015 by accessing the Time Management tab.
  • To carry over some and receive cash for others, employees must use the Carry-over Tool on ESS between July 1 and July 14, 2015 by accessing the Time Management tab.

The maximum number of Personal Days an employee can bank in any given year remains unchanged at 12.

For more information

  • Review your options for carry-over and payout using the Personal Day Calculator
  • Access Frequently Asked Questions
  • Visit Short-Term Disability Central
  • Talk to your Occupational Abilities Coordinator or Manager
  • Refer to the The Agreement Between The Canada Post Corporation and
  • The Association of Postal Workers of Canada on Intrapost. (Article 32 and Appendix P)