Update on 2.0 DPO Project

All Members,
The Association met with Canada Post on March 5, 2014 to review the status to date on the project. As of this date, the first wave of offers to the project has been completed. A total of 74 members internally were hired onto the project and in some areas all the internal candidate lists were exhausted. In these situations, the Corporation has committed to filling all the positions that were vacated as a result of those going onto the project. The Corporation has also hired a total of 58 external candidates to the project. Those hired externally are to be considered as ‘Term employee’ for the duration of the project and would be allowed the benefits afforded them under Art. 45 under the category of Term: Greater than 6 months as per the Collective Agreement. The Corporation has also committed to meeting with the Association in the near future to review if further staffing for the project will be necessary. It was agreed by the parties that any names remaining on the internal lists would be kept until July 1, 2014 as an eligibility list if more staff were required. After that date, any internal hiring would be done as per Art. 43 of the Collective Agreement.