Sales-Serves Job Evaluation Plan
After the Operations questionnaire was again validated, in last November and December, APOC and CPC have continued to work on the development of the new Evaluations Plans for the Operations Group and for the Marketing, Sales and Services group. Testing sessions are being conducted, this week of January 12, in Atlantic Region, Québec Region, GTA and Prairies Region, specifically for the Marketing, Sales and Services Job Evaluation Plan.
The development of the Marketing, Sales and Services Job Evaluation Plan is not finished but is on good way to be completed, as well as the Operations Plan and APOC will continue to keep you informed on progress made and next steps, on our Internet Website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to direct them to the 2 APOC members of the Job Evaluation Committee (JEC), Guy Dubois ( or Michel L. Tremblay ( or send them directly to the Committee e-mail adresses APOC JEP 2007/PEE AOPC 2007 .
Thank you to help us building this important tool and to participate in the validation sessions held this week.