National Policy Grievance # 00-08-001 “Conflict of Interest “ (Update)
Formal Arbitration hearings on this file concluded on Wednesday August 28, 2013.
A little background information for those of you not familiar with this issue. Our position on this matter has always been that we do not object to the “ POLICY “ itself, but rather the Corporation’s interpretation of how the policy can or should be applied to our members.
The Corporation has always been of the opinion that this specific policy allows the denial of bidding rights, transfer requests, and the rights to promotion of our members, should they, the Corporation determine that there is CONFLICT.
The Association will continue to work with the Corporation’s policy holder in an effort to produce a checklist type review that the parties can agree on that will determine if and when a member may be in a possible “ Conflict of Interest “ situation.
When the discussions move to the Local level, National Office will be available to assist and guide our representatives through the checklist review process discussions with the Corporation.
The Local operational knowledge and experience of knowing who the players involved are is a critical part of the process and why the process will start at the Local levels. The Divisional Vice Presdients for each division will be involved in the Local discussions to help ensure a consistent interpretation and implementation of the process from one division to the next. Updates and or changes to the process or review checklist will be provided as soon as they become available.
Although the Association maintains our right to file a grievance in cases where we do not agree with the decision of the Corporation, we do respect the fact that the final decision is the Corporation’s alone.
If and when grievances are to be submitted, they will be filed as INDIVIDUAL grievances and WILL NOT fall under the National Policy grievance.
PRIOR to the submission of any INDIVIDUAL grievance at the Local level, the grievance MUST be reviewed at the National level pending final discussions by both parties.
In closing, we wish to express our thanks and appreciation for your assistance in addressing and reacting to those incidences when they occurred in your respective areas. The filing of grievances at the Local level assisted us in addressing this issue through a National Policy grievance.