APOC Job Evaluation Plan Project – Focus Groups
I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an update on the progress of the building of your Job Evaluation Plan.
To date, we have completed nearly 90 Focus Group Sessions from the Atlantic Region to the Pacific Region. Between Operations and Sales and Service nearly 500 employees participated in these sessions and completed the Job Information Gathering Tool.
The purpose of this initiative was to test and validate the new Job Evaluation Plan that the Joint APOC/CPC committee has developed.
We are now in the process of compiling and analyzing your choices and documented responses. The Joint APOC/CPC is working diligently to meet the agreed to time line of March 31 2008 for the development of Job Evaluation Plans for Operations and Sales and Service.
Your contribution at this phase, as in the first phase of the Project, continues to be of critical value to the creation of new and flexible Job Evaluation Plans for Operations and for Sales and Service. During the final phase of the project we will be asking you to participate, along with more APOC represented employees, to complete the agreed to version of the Job Evaluation Questionnaire.
We wish to acknowledge your participation in the Focus Groups. Thank you for your effort and for taking time away from your already busy schedule.
We appreciate all accommodations you have made to join us and are thankful for your input to the Project.
Thank you.
Rene F.M. Belanger
Organizational Planning & Development
Darrin Kohut
National, Vice-President