On July 20th the association reported that we’d finalized our survey that was to run from August 8th through August 19th.  Since that time, we have met with the Corporation who has been very receptive to our initiatives and are supportive of our program.

However, during the timeline we had planned to run our survey, the corporation has developed a survey of their own in regards to the NDM program.  As this is closely related to work challenges, the team has decided that we would temporarily postpone the launch of our survey to the fall.  Our reasoning for this is to avoid overloading our members with surveys and to extend to our members the opportunity to give their full attention to the NDM survey.

We urge all members to complete the survey as it arrives and to be completely honest in their responses.  Once completed, we will release our own work challenge survey to which we will once again ask that each of you give your full attention to allow us to continue to work towards a more efficient workplace for all parties.