Delivery Organization Restructure


At a recent meeting held in Moncton, New Brunswick Doug Jones, Senior Vice-President of Delivery and Customer Experience commented that the Corporation was close to finalizing a review of the delivery structure of the organization and would be advising the Association soon. 

The Association was made aware that a review was being conducted last fall and had requested to be included during this process. We were dvised that as the review was for the entire structure of the delivery organization and not just the areas where APOC members are involved, we were not invited to participate or join. 

The Association did state very clearly that we were concerned that any review required our involvement to ensure that it was done accurately to reflect the real picture of the workplace. Additionally, we also stated that we did not want to see a finished product/decision being simply handed over with the final statement – “it’s done”. We have no further information to share at this time other than the statement that the review is close to complete. We are also not aware of any of our members or representatives being approached to participate or provide information during the course of this review and we are understandably concerned that decisions are being made or contemplated which will have a direct impact on us without our involvement.