
We wish to clarify the following for everyone’s understanding:

Article 4 .3 of our National Constitution states:

• The receipt, either directly or from the Branch, of an application for membership shall constitute evidence of membership for:

4.3.1 issuance of a membership card;

4.3.2 the right and authorization to attend membership meetings;

For the upcoming membership meetings scheduled to present the changes tentatively agreed upon for the collective agreement. Our constitution rules must be respected and attendance as stated above is strictly limited for members of the Association.

We acknowledge and respect that a number of individuals are currently working in Term and Temporary positions within the Bargaining Unit. However, we must ensure that we comply with the provisions of the constitution.

The rules of the constitution are adopted at our triennial convention (every 3 years) by the delegates from across the country. All members are obligated to ensure that we follow and respect these provisions.

As such, the Negotiation Team wishes to advise that while we cannot permit Term and Temporary employees to attend the upcoming meetings. We are preparing a follow-up Communiqué which will outline specifically how the tentative ratification of this agreement would apply to Term and Temporary employees.

Thank you

The A.P.O.C. Bargaining Team