Work Challenge Committee– Suzanne Schmidt, Rick Williams in collaboration with Racheal Lafontaine, Alain Lamarche.
The Committee met on March 9 and 10th, 2016.
In this meeting the Committee reviewed and discussed at length:
1) Various workplace challenges in the current times within the current roles.
2) An analysis of current job duties, job descriptions, PMP, and the various other added responsibilities. This review also done with respective timelines added: example, once a week, twice a week, once a month, within scheduled hours and so forth.
The Committee has discussed that a course of action a process must be determined and created. This course of action be:
1. Investigate an area of concern, this area be an area of one that has brought forward a concern of workplace challenges (current).
2. Create a process to identify workplace challenges. Within this process a document containing questions that would be required to ask to determine/identify a root cause, various root causes creating the challenges in the respective area such as lack of training, lack of experience, lack of support or a true workload due to customers complaints, too many tasks, etc.. This document to be utilized across the Country in various areas as to remain consistent in our application.
3. Work in conjunction with the Company.
To this end the Committee has started working on the process and the document of questions.
Our next meeting is scheduled for May 2016.