As indicated during our meetings of January 26, Canada Post and The Association of Postal Officials of Canada have been meeting to establish the process for filling the 50 positions we discussed, and to establish the re-integration process.
We are pleased to advise you that our collaboration has reached an agreement.
We have established the locations for the 50 positions remaining on the project. The locations were finalized based on two principles: minimizing the impacts on our employees, and meeting our operational needs for the project. The 50 positions will be filled by seniority and location. We are gratified that we will continue to have these experienced team members remaining on the project. In support of our Five-point Action Plan, we will be working on two specific initiatives centering on improvements in our addressing data, which are key parts of our strategy.
One will centre on AMS Cleanup, and the other on Rural Address Improvements.
Canada Post and APOC have worked hard to minimize the impact on employees who will be re-integrated as well. Following collaborative discussions, and through strategic placement of the project positions, we believe that re-integration can occur without needing to use Article 44 (declaration of surplus).
We have identified imminent retirements and current vacancies in locations where there will be employees who will require re-integration. We will be waiving the two-year requirement outlined in the 2.0 project MOAs for all employees who require re-integration, and they will be automatically placed on the transfer list in their zone. Local HR will begin working with employees shortly as we staff these positions. In some cases we understand that the roles that some employees will receive may not be considered ideal. To that end, we have reached an agreement that employees will be able to utilize a one-time exemption from the one- and two-year tenure requirement for a transfer or bid, should they wish to secure a different position.
If we need to increase staffing on the project at a future date, CPC and APOC will have discussions to facilitate the return to the project for employees who wish to.
Canada Post and APOC appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this process and thank all of you for your contribution. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask your team leader, your APOC Divisional Vice President or local HR.